(初級)授業15:希望の担当者が不在のため、同じ部署の他の担当者と話したいと伝える(顧客)(With English)

  1. Janguage 톱 페이지
  2. 오리지널 교재
  3. ビジネス日本語
  4. (初級)授業15:希望の担当者が不在のため、同じ部署の他の担当者と話したいと伝える(顧客)(With English)


Requesting to speak with another person in the same department when the desired person is unavailable

このページを英語訳えいごやくなしでまなびたいかたこちら。(Learn this content without an English translation)


解説 希望きぼう担当者たんとうしゃ不在ふざいのため、 おな部署ぶしょほか担当者たんとうしゃはなしたいとつたえる練習れんしゅうを します。
Let's practice conveying that you'd like to speak with someone else in the same department if the person you want to talk to is unavailable.


先生せんせい役割やくわりけて 対話文たいわぶんんで みましょう。わったら 役割やくわりえて んで みましょう。
Let's read the dialogue by splitting the roles with your teacher. After finishing, switch roles and read again.

  • 世話せわになります。T開発かいはつのジョンソンともうします。金田かねださんを おねがいできますでしょうか?
    Hello, this is Johnson from T-Development. Could I speak with Mr. Kaneda, please?
  • 金田かねだは ただいませきはずしております。
    Mr. Kaneda is away from his desk at the moment.
  • それでは営業部えいぎょうぶほかかたに おつなぎいただけますでしょうか。
    In that case, could you please connect me to someone else in the Sales Department?
  • かしこまりました。

If "noun + o(を)" comes before the verb, it is called a transitive verb. If not, it is an intransitive verb.
他動詞たどうしは、主語しゅごほかひとものはたらきかけるときに 使つかわれます。自動詞じどうしは、主語しゅご自体じたい変化へんかうごきをあらわすときに 使つかわれます。
Transitive verbs are used when the subject acts on another person or object. Intransitive verbs are used when expressing the subject's own changes or movements.
ポイント 希望きぼう担当者たんとうしゃ不在ふざいのため、 おな部署ぶしょほか担当者たんとうしゃはなしたいとつたえる場合、「~~ほかかたに おつなぎいただけますでしょうか。」と よく います。
When the person you want to talk to is unavailable, and you wish to speak to someone else in the same department, it's common to say, "~buno hokanokatani otsunagi itadakemasudeshouka"(Could you please connect me to someone else in the [department]?).


先生せんせい役割やくわりけて 対話文たいわぶんんで みましょう。空欄くうらんには 自分じぶんかんがえを れましょう。
Let's read the dialogue by splitting the roles with your teacher. Please fill in the blank with your own idea.


  • 営業部えいぎょうぶの アハメドさんを おねがいします。
    May I speak with Mr. Ahmed from the Sales Department, please?
  • アハメドは ただいま外出がいしゅつしております。
    Mr. Ahmed is currently out of the office.
  • それでは、     
    In that case, could you please connect me to someone else in the Sales Department?
  • あいにく、ほかのものも べつ電話でんわております。
    Unfortunately, the others are also on separate calls.
  • そうですか。それでは、またあらためます。
    I see. In that case, I will call back another time.


  • 品質管理部ひんしつかんりぶの パクさんは いらっしゃいますでしょうか?
    May I speak with Ms. Park from the Quality Control Department, please?
  • ただいま     
    She is away from her desk at the moment.
  • それでは    に おつなぎいただけますでしょうか?
    In that case, could you please connect me to someone else in the Quality Control Department?
  • かしこまりました。少々しょうしょうちください。
    Certainly. Please hold for a moment.


Your company received the office supplies you ordered, but when you checked, you found that some items were missing. You called the supplier, but the person in charge was unavailable. Please explain the issue to the receptionist and ask to speak with someone else in the same department.
**Your teacher will play the role of the receptionist and the person in the same department.

  1. Janguage 톱 페이지
  2. 오리지널 교재
  3. ビジネス日本語
  4. (初級)授業15:希望の担当者が不在のため、同じ部署の他の担当者と話したいと伝える(顧客)(With English)

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